Sunday, May 28, 2006

From Canada

So here I am after a long long time blogging from Canada. It’s a Sunday afternoon and I am am blogging because had nothing else to do. So let me summarize my stay so far in Canada. I was not so excited coming to this place, those who know me might be able to comprehend why. Anyway lets get back to the topic. Having completed almost one-third of my internship have got a idea the life one has to lead as a graduate student doing either your masters or your Phd. Life’s a trifle boring during the weekdays if you are not married :P. Yes it is. You go to work early in the morning and come back in the evening. You are too tired to do anything. You cook your food, watch some movie if you have some on your comp or go to bed writing your diary entry for the day until you are lost in your sleep. The day ends and next day the same thing repeats. Then we turn back and compare it with your days as a bachelor student. Without doubt you enjoyed more. With so many friends around you all the time you don’t have to sit and ponder much about finding a way to spend your time. Weekends may be different if you have people from your country at your place.
Now a new student goes out in view of site seeing. And the guys initially are over excited with the fair skin people of opposite sex around you. You think wow!! What a place. But gradually this attraction towards the fair skin fades off. You start getting bored. All the excitement dies. Because you the happiest when you have friends around you. Now at intern I think it is just these three months so I have to go back. I am surprised so as to how an Indian stays back abroad. I can proudly say that my India is the best place in the world to live in, though we have politicians trying to suck the goodness out of India to fill their own pockets, but for me still India is the place I would like to settle in. I will try to give the reasons for that you will have to wait for my next blog.


Adi said...

"I was not so excited coming to this place, those who know me might be able to comprehend why. Anyway lets get back to the topic.".........hmmmmmm...INTERESTING! :) ;)

anshul said...

India is the best place to live in FOR US.
One can't generalize the statement.
Those living in US/Canada would say that there's is the best place.
Neways, interesting :))

random_rambler said...

hmmm... what difference does it make india or canada.... yeah friends is true... just make good friends here.. or find good friends... its difficult if you are prejudiced about finding friends from your own country.. then its impossible for you to stay here... not that im saying its better here ... what im saying is that it makes no differce.. im with you when you say friends matter a lot.. but there is no rule saying that friends should be indians!!! at least for me