Tuesday, July 11, 2006

From Canada- part 2

So here is the lazy back after such a long time blogging again. So its been a long time I asked people to wait for my next blog. So here it is. Last blog I expressed my desire of not settling anywhere except India. It’s actually a very difficult decision to make given you have an option. In India, you have your relatives, your dear ones, your parents, your homeland, your own people around, and a much greater social life than you can have here in Canada. Even though India too is fast moving towards a more western life still things are much better off in India as long as the social life is concerned. Here the atmosphere is different. Everyone is so independent that lives of people scarcely interfere. The attachment and commitment involved with any relationship is a hundred times more in India than you have here. It maybe that I am presenting a more conservative view but it’s the way I as a person want things to be for myself. Here the kids seem to defy their parents. The primary aim seems to be of enjoyment, pubs, bars, girls. I probably am wrong but that’s a view I have formed in these 2 months I have been here. One more sharp difference between India and this place is the formality shown by the people here. The number of sorries and thank yous I have heard here is much more than the total I have ever heard or used in life. Its not that it is wrong, but its just that we are not used to all this in India. The sorries and thank yous on trivial matters has made me and my friends here laugh a lot. Its kinda funny when you do nothing and people say a thank you or say a sorry for a fault of noone and go away. This is no big thing and is not a negative point but I mentioned it just because it came to my mind now and couldn’t resist writing this down.

Now comes India, my own motherland, the motherland ruled by politicians who boast themselves to be for the people but in reality are just a bunch of parasites, slowly and steadily leeching the resources meant for the mass. A very apt example of their selfishness is the recent reservation policy. They are concerned just about their vote banks and are bent upon spoiling the country’s talent. The concept of reservations in educational institutes is just not justified. It’s the place which should be kept out of politics and let the brains in the country shape up for a better tomorrow, but no what they are doing is decreasing the talent and hence the efficiency and the tomorrow looks dark. My mind turned against India on this great context. In almost 60 years after independence the country stands at a crossroad where something revolutionary needs to be done. And what adds to the agony of an already battered land is the problem of terrorism. Compared to that the life outside is much more secure, easy and everything is human friendly. Life is real cool. If you have a car out here in Canada, which we students don’t have, its like such a great priviledge. Drive and go out and chill out any place. Its so cool, it really is. So choosing one out of the two is like having a tradeoff between the demerits and merits of the two places. Its like your priorities which come to the fore if you are to decide what to do. Neways I have a lot of time to sit and decide what to do in future. Just feel myself more inclined towards India still. J I am not a person who worries too much about his future. This is the first time I saw life outside and wanted to write down my experiences and what I feel about them and as my last blog I will ask you to wait for my next blog :D, where I will share my nice little experiences in Canada.